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Jain Monks and Nuns

When a person renounces the worldly life and is initiated into monkhood or nunhood, the man is called Sadhu and the woman is called Sadhvi The renunciation from the social and worldly activities is total. Instead, they spend their time spiritually uplifting their souls and guiding householders.

When they get initiated, they take five major vows:

  • Pranattpataviraman Mahavrat – Vow of absolute Non-violence
  •  Mrishavadaviraman Mahavrat – Vow of absolute Truthfulness
  • Adattadanaviraman Mahavrat – Vow of absolute Non-stealing
  • Maifhunaviraman Mahavrat – Vow of absolute Celibacy
  • Parigrahaviraman Mahavrat – Vow of absolute Non-attachment

Further special rules of conduct apply for sadhus and sadhvis:

  • They do not take food or water after the sunset or before sunrise.
  • They do not cook their food, nor accept food which was prepared for them. They go to different householders that are Jains or vegetarians and receive a little food from each house. Just as cows graze the top part of grass moving from place to place, in the same way Jain Monks and Nuns do not take all the food from one house.
  • They always walk with bare feet. When they travel from one place to another, whatever the distance they must walk.
  • After receiving the Diksha (initiation) they do not cut their hair or shave their heads. Twice a year they pluck out their hair or get it plucked by others.
  • They always wear un-stitched or minimally stitched white clothes. Some Jain sadhus do not wear the clothes.

Sadhvi (nuns) sadhu(MONK) - Diksha Ceremony

Ialways wanted to attend a Jain diksha (intonation) ,unfortunately living in UK for more than 45 years I never had the opportunity. When I visited Pune in 2008 my dream had come true as there was a dikhsa taking place. I rearranged my programme to spend three days out of seven days tour to attend this ceremony which has been going on over a month. I have attended many functions in my life of different types but this one takes the hat??????.This function on one hand had all the making of 1st class wedding, full of joy, festival atmosphere etc & on the other hand it had a religious atmosphere a pious, emotional, sadness mixed with happiness.

This young graduate Called Roopali / Pinky/Baby Sanghavi had decided to renounce all her worldly possessions, all her family and friends behind to move on to the next part of the journey of Jain sadhvi (nun) to uplift her spiritually to break the cycle of birth and death to obtain Moksha an ultimate goal of life. She will gain the whole world as her family but need to follow avery strict code of Jain Monks.

The whole process lasted more than a month attending parties, processions leading from her family houses, giving lacks of rupees, lots of presents to poor and needy peoples on the way ( called varshi dan ). On the final day of initiation ceremony she transformed from fully dressed up like a bride to a nun’s outfit , with head shaved off , with patras (food bowls made of wood) in one hand and a walking stick in the other was astonishing. The whole ceremony was witnessed by more than five thousands people from all over the world.

 – Report by Mr. Arvinder Jain

Diksha Ceremony

Samniji Taking food in special vessels, its called Gochari
Digamber Sadhuji - Ach. Vidyasagarji
Sthanakvasi sadhuji - Ach. Shivmuniji
Terapanth sadhuji - Ach. Mahapragyaji
Deravasi sadhuji - Ach. Ballabh Vijay