Jain Diet
A Jain diet is a strict vegetarian diet. Jains believe in giving minimum amount of harm to plants and animals. A Jain diet is based on the fact that a simple natural diet will help keep their mind pure and peaceful.
Types of Food
The types of food we eat influence our mind and body. Three types of foods can be mentioned.
- Satvic Food
Sattvic foods keeps the body in a peaceful state, calms mind, enable our mind to function at full potential. Fresh fruit, fruit juices, vegetables, cereals, whole-grains, legumes,/lentils, milk, nuts and seeds are satvic foods. - Rajasic Food
Rajas foods are very hot, bitter, sour, dry or salty. These foods are stimulating and destructive to mind-body equilibrium, making the mind restless and uncontrollable. Very hot spices, herbs, coffee, tea, fish, eggs, salt and chocolate falls under this category. - Tamasic Food
Tamasic foods are destructive to the mind and body, making a person angry and greed. They destroy the body’s resistance to disease. Meat, alcohol, tobacco, fermented foods, overripe foods are tamasic foods.